31Minutes is a monthly, half-hour (and one minute!) podcast co-hosted by H·A ThirtyOne Principal and Creative Director Karyn Adams and Content Strategist Karen Black. Guests of all ilks join us to identify and explore “best ideas” to help inspire higher ed marketers, communicators, and leaders from across departments.
Dayna Bradstreet, Sr. Associate Director of Undergraduate
Admission at Simmons University in Boston, joins us to recap the
March 13th #EMchat discussion on Twitter about COVID-19, Crisis
Communications, and College Admissions.
About the Podcast
In 31Minutes: Best Ideas for Higher Ed Communicators, co-hosts Karyn Adams (H·A ThirtyOne Principal and Creative Director) and Karen Black (Content Strategist) talk to guests of all ilks and explore one “best idea” each month to inspire higher ed marketers, communicators, and leaders from across departments.